It’s Heart Day!

Cherries (along with other fruits) are great for your heart!

Happy Valentine’s Day 2011!

This year I took care of my heart for Valentine’s Day. My gift to myself was a copy of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD. I had read about his studies and program, and seen his information in Forks Over Knives (see my previous blog for more information on the movie), but I hadn’t read his book. It was very enlightening about heart disease and diet. In addition, it was heart-healthy food and exercise for me in celebration of the holiday!

Training is going well. I had hoped to do some more running, but the days I had scheduled that were the mornings after some awful nights at the fire station without any sleep, so I got off work exhausted and came home to bed. I just couldn’t get myself motivated later after a long morning nap. This week should be better, I hope! My bike fitting at Upper Echelon Fitness is Thursday and I can’t wait! I’ll post pics and info after the appointment.

This morning I signed myself and two friends up for the Shamrock Run in Portland, March 13. It’s girlfriends’ weekend here at Divefrog Manor that weekend, with Seriny and Patty coming for a fun weekend together—we decided that the Shamrock Run would be a wonderful celebration for us!

Wishing you all a Happy Heart Day!

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