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Before Gatorade, We Drank Switchel

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / August 11, 2019 /

I was obsessed with the Little House on the Prairie books as a little girl. I read the series over and over, until the covers fell off! I asked to…

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Welcome to VeganMoFo 2019!

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / August 1, 2019 /

It’s August 1, which means it’s time for VeganMoFo (Vegan Month of Food)! This is my second year participating in VeganMoFo. I had so much fun doing this last year…

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SAC Sprint Tri 2018

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / April 24, 2018 /

It’s been a long time since I did a triathlon race report! This was my first triathlon since Ironman Tahoe 2012, after which I had health issues that have prevented…

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I Pee When I Run

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / March 3, 2018 /

I read a great article from Triathlete Magazine the other day entitled, The Surprising Health Issue Plaguing Females Triathletes. It was remarkably interesting as it was about something I have…

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What the Heck Happened???

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / May 13, 2016 /

Its been a long, long time since I last posted, and if I do have any followers left, you’re probably wondering what the heck happened to me!! Well, a lot!…

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Race Calendar 2013

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / January 10, 2013 /

Hey! Guess what? I didn’t fall off the face of the Earth…it just appeared that way! Life just got extremely busy and I took a little break, but I’mmmmmmmm Baaaaack!…

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Vegas Post-Race Recovery!

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / September 16, 2012 /

So I’m settling in to post-race season recovery better than I thought I would! I’ve been having a blast! Knee Update I’ve been to physical therapy twice now, and this…

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You Like to Think that you’re Immune to the Stuff…

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / August 30, 2012 /

Oh yeah! I was driving home this morning from work and Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” came on Pandora and it seems so fitting right now, in the context of…

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The Afters! Wahine Sprint Relay Tri Race Report

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / August 29, 2012 /

This is a very special race report! I’m so excited to share this story! Isn’t racing great? I mean, don’t you just meet the most amazing, inspiring people? I’m constantly…

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What Wheel-ly Happened!

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / July 19, 2012 /

Vindication is Mine! This morning I headed in to Athlete’s Lounge (AL) to have them check my rear wheel. As I noted in my last blog (Ironman Vineman 70.3 Race…

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