A Prayer for Compassion

Victoria and me with her lovable dog, Forbes

My dear and amazing friend, Victoria Moran, best-selling author of 13 books on spirituality and veganism, and repeat guest on the Oprah show, produced a wonderful new documentary called A Prayer for Compassion with Filmmaker Thomas Wade Jackson. This award-winning film was featured at several festivals last year after premiering in NYC and London this past March.

And I’m so excited to announce a FREE screening here in Seattle September 11, 2019 as part of the Seattle International Film Festival! It’s sponsored by Heartwood Haven, a nonprofit animal sanctuary and rescue in Gig Harbor, WA, and Shuany Jaine, Esq., Seattle-based attorney, author, and activist.

Here’s a trailer for the film:

This film explores the teachings of compassion at the heart of all spiritual and religious traditions and tours the US, Morocco, and throughout the Indian subcontinent. This award-winning film truly is for everyone and every belief system, and comes at such a critical time when we are all seeking compassion. Come be empowered!

Filmmaker Thomas Wade Jackson

Along with the free screening, there will be free samples of plant-based treats. Filmmaker Thomas Wade Jackson will be there to introduce the movie and conduct a Q&A session afterwards.

The showing is at SIFF Uptown Cinemas in Queen Anne with only 276 seats. They are anticipating a full house, so get your tickets today to ensure seats.

Secure tickets at either https://www.eventbrite.com/o/heartwood-haven-25252235893 or https://www.facebook.com/events/447299946106871.

Please join me! I hope to see you there!

This past week concluded VeganMoFo (Vegan Month of Food) 2019, with a new blog post every day for the month of August. Here are some posts you may have missed from the past week:

Day 28—My Dad’s Infamous Coffee Liqueur Its really delicious and less expensive to make from scratch with your favorite brand of coffee.

Day 29—My Favorite Travel and At-Home Breakfast, Savory Oats Nervous about what to eat on your upcoming travels? I give you some tips for a hearty breakfast at your hotel breakfast buffet.

Day 30—Texas Hash, Inspired by My Favorite City, Seattle! Wait, what? Texas Hash and Seattle? Click the link to get the connection!

Day 31—Real Men Eat Vegan Quiche & Waffled Potatoes On this final day of Vegan Month of Food, I share about a recipe I made that was inspired by another blogger participating in VeganMoFo19. This quiche is phenomenal and goes great with my recipe for Waffled Potatoes!


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