You’re Kinda a Triathlon Nerd…

Triathlon Nerd

I got the best compliment today…someone told me while I was in the pool and they were leaving Portland Triathlon Club Saturday Swim Practice…”You’re kinda a triathlon nerd!” So true, I am! Triathlon nerd is awesome—who wudda thought a year ago I’d be considered a triathlon nerd!

Half Ironman Training Week 2

I’ve been very diligent about my workouts this week, no skipping! I’ve incorporated some Portland Triathlon club runs and the Saturday Swim Training at Parkrose High School.

This Week’s Totals:

Running: 14.42 miles
Swimming: 4.0 miles
Cycling: 49.14 miles

8 hours 48 minutes total
2,045 Calories burned


Here are the goals of my training plan so far, and for the next two weeks:

Racing Prep

No racing planned for this period, but since you’ve probably identified your key half IM race, take a look at the course, predicted weather, swim conditions, articles on last year’s race. Compare all these race components with your own strengths and weaknesses. Use online bulletin boards to get course tips from previous competitors. Know thy course.


This period is “preparing to train”—building base endurance through work and recovery. We’ll keep the same number of hours throughout the period and approximately the same schedule. The goal is consistency and getting the body warmed up for the longer periods ahead.

Physical Health

Starting a structured program is probably going to leave you needing a bit more sleep than you’re used to getting. Water too. Don’t skimp on either. Take full advantage of rest days.

Mental Health

Try to get in outdoor workouts in the best and worst weather possible. The more cold, wet, windy, and sweltering conditions you experience while training will carry over to much higher confidence come race day. You can’t prepare much physically on race morning, so confidence and motivation reign supreme.


Form, form, form. If your swim stroke needs work (that’s all of us), find ways to improve technique in these early weeks—hire a local coach to video and give feedback, take lessons, read, watch videos. Form, form, and form are the keys to swimming fast.

That’s all for this week’s posting. Hopefully I’ll have something more interesting than just my training update next week…

Have a safe week!

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