
I love it when different interests combine and Plogging is one of them. Never heard of it? It’s a great way to combine fitness and sustainability, and in honor of Earth Day, April 22, 2022, we’ve incorporated it into the Sno-Valley Move More Challenge.

Plogging is simply picking up litter while jogging or walking. It originated about six years ago in Sweden and the name comes from the Swedish words for pick up (plocka upp) and jog (jogga). It’s since spread throughout the world, in over 100 countries. 

Goals of Plogging

Plog for your health, keeping oceans free of plastic waste, wildlife protection, lowering social costs, and a safer community!

The goals of Plogging include:

  1. Health and exercise – adding additional movement, such as bending and squatting, to your walk or run. You’ll even burn more calories with this extra movement!
  2. Reducing plastic waste from entering the oceans – it is expected there will be more plastic than fish (by weight) by 2050 if we don’t stop the flow of plastic into our seas.
  3. Saving wildlife – many wild animals mistake human garbage for food and get ill or die from eating it.
  4. Reducing social costs – by doing our part to remove trash from streets and trails, it reduces government money spent to collect that garbage, freeing up valuable tax dollars for other uses.
  5. Safer society – when our community spaces are cleaner, they are less likely to attract unwanted and criminal behavior.

How to Plog

Pick Your Route

Plog on your favorite trail or in your neighborhood.

You can collect in your neighborhood, on community trails, the school track, or anywhere!

Bring or Wear Gloves or Carry a Litter Grabber

Wear gloves, at a minimum, or consider a lightweight litter grabber!

Bring or wear gloves during your walk or run. Reusable work gloves are often more comfortable and sturdier than disposable exam gloves.

You can also carry a litter grabber, like this folding one!

Bring a Tote for that Trash

Don’t forget your bag!

Carry a trash bag with you. Reusable canvas bags are sturdier when running or walking and don’t contribute to more plastic garbage!

Pick Up Trash

Make plogging a team event!

Collect on your route!

Dispose Your Loot Responsibly

Pick the right bin!

Dispose of your collection, recycling things that can be recycled and put the rest in the trash.

Note, cigarette butts are particularly hazardous to wildlife, but you can recycle them for FREE through a company called Terracycle.

Inspire Others!

Just some of my Plogging images shared on social media!

Bonus – Post photos of your plogging collection on social media, use the #plogging hashtag (and #trimazing too!), and encourage others to start Plogging!

Move More Month

Don’t forget to complete this week’s challenge (April 15-21, 2022) and enter the weekly drawing and be eligible for the grand prize drawing at the end of the month:

Move more while helping the earth (e.g. plogging, dig a hole to plant a tree, rotate your compost bin, walk at the farmer’s market, etc.)

Prize: Trimazing! Mesh Produce Bags and Swim Cap

  1. Complete the weekly challenge
  2. Post a picture or comment in the Snoqualmie Valley Move More Facebook Group or email your activity to

All weekly submissions are due by Thursday at midnight each week and winners will be announced on Fridays!

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