Vegan Ice Cream for my Birthday

Double Scoop from The Cookie Counter in Seattle.

#VeganMoFo18 Day 22 – Vegan Ice Cream for my Birthday

As I mentioned yesterday, it was my birthday this week. I had a super busy, fun day and capped it off with a surprise trip to a vegan ice cream shop!

While I was at the Seattle Zero Waste meetup, someone mentioned there was a vegan ice cream shop just down the block from where we were meeting. I’m relatively new to the Seattle area (only four years) and don’t live in town, so there are a lot of things I’m just not aware of. After the meetup was done, another gal and I decided we’d go check this place out. And WOW! am I glad we did!

Ice cream counter at The Cookie Counter in Seattle.

Ice Cream Counter at The Cookie Counter

The shop is called The Cookie Counter. It is in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood at 7415 Greenwood Avenue North in Seattle. It is 100% vegan and has gluten-free cones too! They always have vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and mint chocolate chip ice creams, but add two new flavors every month. They also do cookies, pies, other baked goods, espresso, and all kinds of sundaes.

They were scooping the last containers of this month’s special flavors tonight, Chai and Ambrosia. I couldn’t decide between the two and since it was my birthday….I ordered a scoop of each in a big waffle cone! It was so cool to be able to get a waffle cone, because even when ice cream shops have vegan ice creams and sorbets, the waffle cones are never vegan, so this was a huge treat for me. The Chai was spicy and reminiscent of pumpkin pie to me. The Ambrosia, however, was my favorite! It was a version of that decadent fruit salad I had as a kid, you know, the one with canned fruit salad folded into whipped cream with mini marshmallows and chopped nuts. OMG, it was heavenly and I wished I’d gotten two scoops of just that!

Double scoop of ice cream from The Cookie Counter in front of one of their t-shirts.

Double Scoop with Chai on top, Ambrosia on bottom

It was just the perfect topping to a wonderful birthday! I did consider getting some ice cream to take home so Alan could have some, as I had my to-go bag with me, but it is a 45 minute drive home and I didn’t have a cooler to keep it from melting.

I guess we’ll just have to go back!!

You can check what their two monthly special flavors are if you go to their Instagram. Go to The Cookie Counter in Seattle, you won’t be disappointed!

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  1. Julie on September 24, 2018 at 9:59 am

    The Cookie Counter sounds awesome; what a nice treat for your birthday!

  2. Firefighter Cindy on September 25, 2018 at 7:55 am

    It was! And a surprise at that!

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