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Cleaning Supplies

Green Spring Cleaning & DIY Dishwasher Soap!

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / April 22, 2019 /

It’s springtime and for many of us, it’s time to clean out that winter funk, sweep up the dust bunnies, and wash the windows to let the sunshine in. While…

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I Bastardized Our Soap—Make Your Own Liquid Castile (Bastille) Soap

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / March 26, 2019 /

We use liquid castile soap for lots of things around our house—dishwashing liquid (we dilute 1:10), in our counter spray, in exterior window washing solution, hand and body soap, shampoo,…

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January 2019 Classes!

By Cindy Thompson, MS, NBC-HWC | Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching / December 12, 2018 /

It’s been busy around Trimazing! HQ as I’ve been working on several new classes that start this winter, after the first of the year: A Clean Start to the Year:…

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