Foods for Curing Erectile Dysfunction and Saving Your Life
A majority of time, erectile dysfunction (ED) is an indication of artery disease. The same narrowing of the arteries to the male genitalia that results in impotence also affects arteries to the heart, brain, and rest of the body. We’ll discuss how food choices often beat the little blue pill for ED, in a revelation that may save your life, or the person you love!
The information provided in this class explains the latest research and offers a new approach to treating, preventing, and even curing ED. Also includes easy and delicious recipes and cooking demonstration.
About Your Instructor:
Cindy Thompson is a retired 20-year fire captain and paramedic, creator of Trimazing! Health and Lifestyle coaching. Ten years ago, she was overweight and unhealthy. After changing her way of eating, she dropped 60 lbs, seven pant sizes, and lowered her cholesterol and blood pressure in just the first year! And she’s maintained this for a decade without dieting or deprivation! Cindy is now a licensed Food for Life Instructor, certified Health Coach, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Peer Fitness Trainer, and a licensed paramedic. She loves helping people meet their health and fitness goals!
: three times better than amazing
Important note: The information provided during this program is not intended to advise or counsel individuals on nutrition, nor diagnose any disease. It is important to seek the advice of your medical doctor or other health care professional for your individual health concerns. Those who take medications for diabetes or high blood pressure may find these medications start working better than ever or even too well while participating in this program, and we encourage them to be in touch with their health care provider about evaluating their personal medication needs.