The Power of Food for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment
Sno-Valley Senior Center Presents:
The Power of Food for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment with Cindy from Trimazing!
4 week series starting on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 from 1:00-3:00pm
Cost is $48 for the 4-week session. Limited number of spots available.
- Do you or someone you love have diabetes or pre-diabetes?
- Does diabetes run in your family?
- Perhaps you have other risk factors for developing diabetes?
Join Cindy from Trimazing! Health & Lifestyle Coaching for The Power of Food for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment, a nutrition and cooking program developed for people with diabetes, prediabetes, a family history or risk factors for developing diabetes, and their adult family members.
The American Diabetes Association maintains that a plant-based eating pattern is an effective option for type 2 diabetes management along with lifestyle management, including physical activity, stress reduction, and smoking cessation.[1] Research shows a plant-based diet doesn’t just prevent diabetes, but it can manage and sometimes even reverse it. Learn proactive things you can start right now to reduce your risk and improve survival!
And guess what? Not only can you reduce your risk for diabetes, but also heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, COVID-19, and other chronic illness. How’s that for an all-in-one package? This class can save your life or the life of someone you love.
If you’ve never taken a Trimazing! online cooking class before…you’re in for a real treat! We have a blast, have fun while we learn, and enjoy great food! Past students have lost weight, lowered their cholesterol, controlled their diabetes, improved their fitness, and come back for additional classes to learn even more! I can’t wait to meet you and learn about your success after taking a Trimazing! class.
Cost: $48, includes recipes, live cooking demo, physician-lead information.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Current research on type-2 diabetes
- How your diet can significantly reduce diabetes risk
- Resources to get you started
- Recipes for easy and delicious health-promoting dishes
- And a live cooking demo to show you how!
Class 1: How Foods Fight Diabetes – May 4, 2022, 1-3pm
People who eat plant-based meals are less likely to ever develop diabetes, and for those who have diabetes, plant-based meals can help to improve blood sugar levels and prevent complications. These meals are affordable, delicious, and satisfying. We’ll review the latest science behind this approach, consider some simple ideas for getting started, sample four dishes, and explore useful resources.
Food Demos:
- Good-Enough-for-Guests Green Salad
- Yes-You-Can Black Bean Chili
- Sweet Potatoes and Toasted Brown Rice
- Chocolate Cherry Nirvana Smoothie
Class 2: The Power of Your Plate and Grocery Cart – May 11, 2022, 1-3pm
This class provides the knowledge and resources for trying out a new way of eating. You’ll be assisted to create your own Weekly Meal Plan and learn how to navigate the grocery store to find the treasures (and avoid the troublemakers!). We’ll discuss common concerns, including how to prevent and treat low blood sugar for those taking certain medications, and how to ease your transition into a filling, high-fiber way of eating.
Food Demos: No cooking demonstration. Taste some of the staples that you’ll want to bring home from your grocery store.
Class 3: Understanding Type 2 Diabetes – May 18, 2022, 1-3pm
New research shows that reducing the fat we eat helps to reduce the fat that can build up in muscle cells, which can improve the body’s ability to use insulin. Common dietary fat-lowering techniques, such as taking the skin off the chicken or switching to low-fat milk, do not go far enough in reducing the total amount of fat for many people to really repair this underlying problem in type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, the Power Plate foods are all naturally low in fat.
Food Demos:
- Very Primo Pasta
- Broccoli Salad
- Steamed Kale with “Parmesan Cheese”
- Gingered Melon
Class 4: Designing a Diet for Maximum Weight Control – May 25, 2022, 1-3pm
This is not a “diet” that asks you to walk around hungry or feel deprived. How can you lose weight, if needed, without skipping meals or limiting your portions? In a word, it’s all about FIBER. Plant-foods have it, animal foods do not. Learn to comfortably fill up on whole foods and watch the pounds melt away. Enjoy some delicious high-fiber dishes—without any cardboard taste
Food Demos:
- Asian Persuasion Coleslaw
- Sweet-and-Sour Vegetable Stew
- Quinoa
- Poached Pears
About Your Instructor:
Cindy Thompson is a retired 20-year fire captain and paramedic, creator of Trimazing! Health and Lifestyle coaching. Ten years ago, she was overweight and unhealthy. After changing her way of eating, she dropped 60 lbs, seven pant sizes, and lowered her cholesterol and blood pressure in just the first year! And she’s maintained this for a decade without dieting or deprivation! Cindy is now a licensed Food for Life Instructor, certified Health Coach, Harvard Medical School Culinary Coach, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Peer Fitness Trainer, and a licensed paramedic. She loves helping people meet their health and fitness goals!
: three times better than amazing
Important note: The information provided during this program is not intended to advise or counsel individuals on nutrition, nor diagnose any disease. It is important to seek the advice of your medical doctor or other health care professional for your individual health concerns. Those who take medications for diabetes or high blood pressure may find these medications start working better than ever or even too well while participating in this program, and we encourage them to be in touch with their health care provider about evaluating their personal medication needs.
[1] American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – 2021. Diabetes Care. 2021;44(Suppl 1):S1-S232. Available at: https://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/44/Supplement_1