Midsummer Triathlon Race Report

First Place medal, Athena 30-39 Division!

I got my first medal! What an amazing, fun, crazy thing that was!

Amica Insurance Midsummer Triathlon, July 31, 2011, Blue Lake Park, Fairview, Oregon – 1:49:15

Yes, another triathlon at Blue Lake Park! However, the bike was 16 miles, 4 miles longer than my previous tri there. My times now include difference from previous triathlon personal best. Negative (-) time is faster and positive time (+) reflects longer time.

The Swim – 00:19:24 – 0.5 miles (-00:01:56)

This is the exact swim course as my previous tri at Blue Lake other than starting a little further in the water so no dolphining of the start. Like before, about 200 feet in a bunch of people who started super fast stopped and I had to go around them. After the first turn buoy I noticed the bulk of the swimmers were about 50 feet south of me for some reason, way off the buoy line. Think they were following someone, I continued to do my own sighting. It meant no one to draft off of, but continuing south toward them just to draft didn’t make sense. I did pick up someone to draft right after the last turn, so spent the last 250 yards in draft, which was a great way to conserve energy for the bike ahead.

T1 – 00:04:11 (+00:00:12)

Leaving T1

Due to my recent bout with ulnar neuropathy, I opted to don cycling gloves this time. My increased time reflects my struggle to put gloves on my damp hands! I don’t think I will do that ever again on a sprint tri, just seemed unnecessary.

The Bike – 00:52:45 – 16 miles (n/a due to difference distance, 0.6 mph faster than previous)

I didn’t realize until about 10 minutes prior to starting the event that the bike was 16 miles instead of 12! Glad I listened to the pre-race briefing! I was anxious for the ride so I could compare with my new HED Jet 4 wheels. I did increase my speed by 0.6 mph from previous.

I rode the majority of the time in my lower drops, keeping my torso low and my hands out of the hoods as not to crush my ulnar nerves. This seemed to work. I did have some brief tingling in my left pointer finger and realized I was mashing my radial nerve and adjusted my hand. Paying more attention to my hands now!

One thing that happened this time was an inefficient turnaround for me. During the race briefing they announced that the turnaround was at the SeaScout base on Marine Drive, just opposite the Port of Portland Fire Station. I am VERY familiar with this area and planned my gearing accordingly. However, I came upon the turn just after a rise about 0.25 miles BEFORE the fire station, totally unprepared for the turn, in high gear. There was no warning sign that the turn was coming up. So my speed suffered after the turn for a while.

T2 – 00:02:52 (+00:00:10)

Those silly gloves again! Probably just should have worn them on the run…

The Run – 00:30:02 (-00:00:19)

Feeling great at the finish!

I ran more consistently this time, and no shin splint feeling (checked the tongue of my shoe more carefully). I did watch a runner in front of me take a scary tumble about 2 miles in and briefly stopped to check to make sure he was ok, and then watched my feet carefully realizing that the shaded patch was full of areas pushed up by tree roots, which tripped the other runner.

Getting There Early

OJ all alone in transition!

We arrived at the gate for the park just slightly before they opened at 6 AM and were the third car in (Portland Tri Club friend Darcie Facebooked me that my car was very obviously the third car in due to it’s location in the parking area!). But I got some prime real estate! It’s really nice to get there early and not feel rushed before the event.


Can’t wipe that smile off my face!

My first event medal placement ever! Really quite an amazing feeling. It’s not what I do these events for, but it is a very nice extra.

Friendly Competition!

Sherri and me with our First Place medals

Fellow Portland Triathlon Club member Sherrie Austin and I have been “chasing each other” in these two tri’s. This year we are in separate divisions, but next year I move into Athena 40-49 and the real fun begins! We had met each other via the PTC Google Group after sharing race reports for the Blue Lake Triathlon, and we met at Midsummer waiting for the medal presentations to start. We both placed first in our respective divisions. I think it’s going to be great to have the friendly competition to push me into improving next year!

A special shout out and thanks to my personal support crew, Mother Superior and Christine! You make the day even better! Couldn’t do it without you!

Check out the new awesome orange and black sleeves from Mother Superior!

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